
Bogotá Headquarters

Calle 93 #16-46 oficina 404 edificio Zenn Office PH
(+57) 333 602 5603



Calle Conde de peñalver, 45, entre planta oficina 2, 28006, Madrid
(+34) 669987681



1000 Brickell Av, PMB 5137
(+1) 305 5177679


Mexico DF

Av. Rio Misisipi 49 Int. 1402, Cuauhtémoc
(+52) 55 4164 9129


City of Panama

Calle 50, edificio, torre BMW, San Francisco
(+507) 6288 0611

Intermediate Performance Analyst

Professional profile

Professional in systems engineering or similar, with 3 years of experience as a performance analyst.

Technical knowledge

Performance testing in Soap UI, JMeter, HP Loadrunner, Blazemeter, code deployment and promotion through CI/CD workflows. Skills to diagnose characteristics such as speed, scalability, stability, reliability. Performance of both the applications and their environment, among others.
Desirable: Experience in AWS cloud technology, management of EC2 and ECS computing, serverless architecture.

Required/desirable certifications

Not applicable.

Benefits and agreements

  • SmartFit
  • Academia de idiomas Smart
  • Lafam
  • Comfama
  • Capillas de la fé
  • Grupo Sura
  • Coopetrol
  • Bancolombia
  • Plan Carrera
  • IzyAcademy
  • Campañas de referidos
  • Clínica de la ansiedad
  • Compensar


Contact us

If you are interested and meet the profile, send your resume to the email [email protected] and in the subject the NAME OF THE POSITION to which you are applying.

Apply for this job

Last name*
City of residence*
Add your Linkedin profile link
Tell us, who is your friend from Q-Vision Technologies who recommended you?
Curriculum Vitae*
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