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SCRUM, Kanban, and Lean

The agile frameworks you can implement in software development today are a popular approach to development.

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The agile frameworks that you can implement in software development

Agile frameworks are a popular approach for software development and other projects. Instead of a traditional waterfall approach where the entire project is defined upfront, agile frameworks specialize in teamwork and continuous adaptation.

There are different agile frameworks, but some of the most popular ones include SCRUM, Kanban, and Lean:
  • SCRUM: It's arguably the most widely used agile framework and is based on short work cycles called "sprints". During a sprint, the team focuses on a specific set of tasks, and ultimately, a review is conducted to visualize both accomplishments and potential practices that can be adjusted and improved in the processes.
  • Kanban: It focuses on visualizing the workflow and setting limits on the amount of work in progress. Teams can use a Kanban board to visualize the status of each task and ensure that they are not overloaded.
  • Lean: It's an agile methodology focused on waste elimination and continuous improvement. Teams use tools like value analysis and value stream mapping to identify improvement opportunities.
If you want to learn more about agile frameworks, you can learn with izyacademy, or if you need to test your corporate application, contact us.

In conclusion, agile frameworks aim to enable teams to work more efficiently and effectively, avoid setbacks, and improve the quality of the final product.