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What is the data that intelligent data management can use?

In a highly competitive area, where data pulls any organization in different ways to detect the best results, the implementation of intelligent data management is fundamental in the actual market.

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Another reason why it is essential in the environment is because it supports different strategies developed during the data exploration process, converting information into a product that supports the decision making and brings a more clear overview about the actual situation for the different companies, letting them be ready to answer on time to unexpected events. estar preparados para responder de manera oportuna a eventos inesperados.

Some examples of data that can be used for intelligent data management includes:

  • Users data:
    Information about clients, such as their preferences, last purchases and purchase behavior.
  • Sales and finance data:
    Information about sales and company incomes such as costs and outcomes.
  • Operations data:
    Information about processes and activities of the company, such as production, logistics and stock.
  • Marketing data:
    Information about marketing campaigns and their performance.
  • Personal data:
    Information about employees, such as their skills, responsibilities and work performance.
  • Trends and predictions data:
    Information about market and industry trends, such as future predictions.

With intelligent data management, companies can effectively analyze data and  use it for decision making and improve their operations. Take advantage of your data with a modern management platform.